Ariela's Story

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In 2016, Ariela was forced to leave her home country of Burundi because of escalating violence and war. She was only 16 years old when her parents were killed in the conflict, but she took a risk to save her life and made her way to Kenya. 

The journey was very frightening to her, all alone at such a young age, yet she felt that God was by her side. When Ariela arrived in Kenya, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) referred her to RefuSHE’s Safe House where she met other girls from different countries and cultures who had made similar journeys. There she got the support she needed, from basic things like shelter and food, to important services like trauma care and counseling. 

After five months of living in the Safe House, Ariela was able to move into the wider Nairobi community where RefuSHE continued to support her with housing assistance, medical care, and transportation so that she could get to school. She had to get up very early to arrive at school on time, but she began to appreciate the opportunity to study more as she worked on learning English and Mathematics, and mastering skills such as tailoring that could help her become financially independent. 

After two years of working with RefuSHE, Ariela was thrilled to learn that she would be resettled in the United States. She knew the adjustment would be very difficult, especially at first, but she had faith that things would work out and she would have an opportunity to build a better, brighter future. 

Ariela is now working and taking GED classes. She received her high school diploma this May and is looking forward to going to college and eventually becoming a flight attendant.  

Ariela says that RefuSHE prepared her for the life she’s living now by affording her education and giving her the experience of living with people from many different places. She has been able to adapt to her new circumstances so well because of the flexibility and tolerance she learned at RefuSHE.  

Arriving in the U.S. was like a fresh starting point for her life. She had to migrate before, more than once, but Ariela now sees this new country as her home. Her journey to the U.S. was a gift she says she will never forget. 

Ariela loves to share her story, hoping that what she has been through and how she has grown will help inspire other young women who have been through similar experiences.

“None of us wanted to go through war and tragedy. None of us wanted to lose our homes,” says Ariela. “It was not our choice, but it happened. Now, we only want the chance to be accepted, to be respected, and to work to rebuild our lives.”  

Ariela would like others to feel the relief and promise of a new life that she now enjoys. Her greatest wish is that other girls will have opportunities like those she was given at RefuSHE. She hopes many others will benefit from the work of RefuSHE and that the organization will one day be able to offer even more lifesaving and life-changing programs. 

It is thanks to the generosity of the RefuSHE community that such work can continue to grow. Ariela sends a sincere and heartfelt thanks to each and every one of RefuSHE’s supporters!